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Just Talk To Me (Nicely)...

Regina Devers

2 min read

Apr 19



Communication is an important element for any and every type of relationship. If we are mindful, then we understand that we are communicating both, verbally and non-verbally. It is not about proving who is right or who is wrong. Come in with your agenda to heard and to hear, not only to have your words be the only ones that matter. ALL WORDS MATTER! There is no perfect way to communicate, but there is an effective way. Creating a safe place and being intentional to do so is a huge piece of the puzzle. I can recall the numerous times that I chose to listen instead of responding when a moment of discord found its way to me. In the following article, its writer - Dr. Dawn O. Braithewaite, shares why communication matters. I am confident that after you read this article and my post you will understand the importance of communication.

I completely agree with what Dr. Braithewaite has shared in her article regarding what communication is and what it is not. While this article is about three years old, it is still relevant to how we handle ourselves and each other. The posture that is best in being effective when communicating is that we remain teachable. I can appreciate that she shared her story of when she was 12 years old and was told that she was going to have a "new mommy". While those were not her exact words, she did make it clear that communication and family are important and that communication can bring you closer or drive a wedge between all parties involved. She also demonstrates in the article that communication can be used to maintain, create, or change those who communicate with, even ourselves. For the sake of not boring you or being redundant, I want to focus on communication to maintain relationships. In a recent conversation with a friend, I shared with them the importance of honest communication. When we do not communicate honestly, we are not only doing ourselves a disservice but also we are telling the receiver that we do not respect them as an individual.

In conclusion, if you want to have an intentional relationship with family, friends, co-workers, etc, then you must be willing to identify whether you want to maintain, change, or create the type of communication to indicate your intentions. Talking to someone respectfully does not mean that you are looking to be their best friend, but instead, you want to establish boundaries regarding the relationship. This is why communication matters. Communication is a willingness to go beyond the surface and establish intention.

Regina Devers

2 min read

Apr 19



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